smart documents   smart forms   smart reports   internationalization   blended learning




Smart Documents

Smartdoc-Logo Smart XML documents are stand-alone web-applications independend of operating systems and application software, running in simple web-browsers. Due to there independency
and conceptual re-usability smart documents are of interest in client-server applications, especially in case of diverse system architectures (Linux - Microsoft, J2EE - dotNET), in addition also for agile software development and rapid prototyping.

Another considerable field of application is documentation and knowledge management, take blended learning for example.

Smart documents are based on XML languages (XML, XSD XSLT, XSL-FO) and make use of extended Javascript functionality (DOM-API). With this ability, smart documents are capable to support either simple web-applications or high demanding and interactive applications, for instance:
  • self-validating forms
  • self-evaluating (interactive) reports
  • internationalised applications
    (diversity of European languages and regulations)
  • multifunctional knowledge documents
    (blended learning, knowledge management)

European Order for Payment

European Order for Payment Example of a smart form provided for e-justice application. The order for payment procedure comprises seven forms, adapted for all languages of the EU-members (a total of 140 forms).

Internationalisation is the primary issue:
The language-specific text, consisting of about 400 text-modules each, is strictly seperated from the form-layout. This separation allows independent translation and text maintenance using simple text editors, without specific knowledge of xml coding
and without bothering with the complexity of the form-layout.

pfeil  European Order for Payment Forms

Smart Reports

Smart Report Smart reports are used for client-side evaluation of structured data. This approach can be applied to medium-sized documents up to several MByte (equivalent to some thousand records of data). Because the full data document has to be transferred only once, a lot of expensive server transactions could be saved by delegating the evaluation-work to the client, using the client's free resources.

Typical examples of smart reports are monthly- or quarterly summaries, but also small dabase- applications (phonenumber-index, experts and interpretors at court, consignment lists ...)

Alongside of generic document evaluation (statistics, summaries, derivations), which can be prepared in advance by known XSLT-transformations, interactive evaluation and document-queries are a given opportunity. In this case the presentation of a smart report starts with a user-dialogue, asking for query-details, and results in a partly document transformation showing only the demanded information.

The example below presents a service level report (SLR) used for supervising of highly reliable services in distributed networks. The continuous analysis of thousands of data-telegramms is reduced to a compact view showing only critical and worst-case events, which can be expand to full detailed views on demand.

pfeil  SLA-Report

Blended Learning

Blended Learning Efficient knowledge transfer is based on different methodologies and media:
  • Slideshow presentation for group-learning
  • e-Learning for individual active-learning
  • Websites for search and passive-learning
  • printable publications for offline-learning
The creation, maintenance and distribution of such media is a cost- and time-expensive effort with a high amount of redundancy. Single-source documents have an indisputable advantage: only one document has to be created and archived, the required media can be produced by appropriate transformation.

Lasting knowledge resources, especially in respect of coming semantic knowledge management, are supported by using suitable document standards and applying metadata-enrichment.

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